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3D Graphics Rendering Cookbook - A comprehensive guide to exploring rendering algorithms in modern OpenGL and Vulkan

Le , par dourouc05


4  0 
3D Graphics Rendering Cookbook
A comprehensive guide to exploring rendering algorithms in modern OpenGL and Vulkan
OpenGL is a popular cross-language, cross-platform application programming interface (API) used for rendering 2D and 3D graphics, while Vulkan is a low-overhead, cross-platform 3D graphics API that targets high-performance applications. 3D Graphics Rendering Cookbook helps you learn about modern graphics rendering algorithms and techniques using C++ programming along with OpenGL and Vulkan APIs.

The book begins by setting up a development environment and takes you through the steps involved in building a 3D rendering engine with the help of basic, yet self-contained, recipes. Each recipe will enable you to incrementally add features to your codebase and show you how to integrate different 3D rendering techniques and algorithms into one large project. You'll also get to grips with core techniques such as physically based rendering, image-based rendering, and CPU/GPU geometry culling, to name a few. As you advance, you'll explore common techniques and solutions that will help you to work with large datasets for 2D and 3D rendering. Finally, you'll discover how to apply optimization techniques to build performant and feature-rich graphics applications.

By the end of this 3D rendering book, you'll have gained an improved understanding of best practices used in modern graphics APIs and be able to create fast and versatile 3D rendering frameworks.
What you will learn:

Improve the performance of legacy OpenGL applications
Manage a substantial amount of content in real-time 3D rendering engines
Discover how to debug and profile graphics applications
Understand how to use the Approaching Zero Driver Overhead (AZDO) philosophy in OpenGL
Integrate various rendering techniques into a single application
Find out how to develop Vulkan applications
Implement a physically based rendering pipeline from scratch
Integrate a physics library with your rendering engine

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